Inspired by the book Don’t Sweat the Small Stuff and it’s all small stuff by Dr. Richard Carlson, I’ve decided to write a heart-felt letter to someone each week as a tool and in search of more of what really matters in life. Want more gratitude, peace, love? Dr. Carlson insists on this weekly task.
In sitting down to write, I decide on a heartfelt letter to my younger self. Here goes…
Dear Twenty- Something, Younger Me:
Firstly, I’m proud of the woman you are and all that you are becoming. I can clearly see your motives and the reason why you try so hard and give so much of yourself in every area of your life. You want to give your best always. I now know where the desire originates and I can tell you that your Grandfathers, Grandmothers, Mom and Dad ARE proud of you.
Sure, you’ve made mistakes, there will be people near to remind you of this often. Ignore them. You work hard to right your wrongs. Plus, you are learning and growing and figuring life out. That’s what your twenties are for. Whether or not, you are taken seriously by some is okay, the ones who need to be made aware of your efforts, are.
Ease up. You are way too hard on yourself and should enjoy life more. Let your hair down more often, so to speak. Do more of what it is you truly love. You deserve it.
In a few years, a dear friend will suggest that you forgive more readily. You should take this advice. Don’t wait. Go easy on people. You won’t be penalized for lightening up some. Plus, with forgiveness comes freedom. Everyone you meet is dealing with something at one point or another. Most times, folks’ issues have nothing to do with you at all. In the years to come, look for a book called The Four Agreements. It will explain a lot regarding dealing with people and remaining true to yourself. In the meantime, remain true and trust yourself.
While you are FULLY taking part of your life and the lives of others in a meaningful way, don’t forget to be of service. Your local church, community or organization. HINT- Try areas which you are passionate about. Remember, “Service is the rent that we pay for the privilege of living on this earth.” (Shirley Chisholm) Find the time to be of service to someone other than yourself and your loved ones.
Celebrate the beautiful woman you are inside and out. Don’t be afraid to be who you are. Just as there will be harsh and judgmental words thrown at you; love and kindness will always find you. Good people will have your back. Focus on those people. Those are your people. Those who cannot make space for ALL of you, aren’t worth your time anyhow. Take heed of this now.
Most important, keep your faith and belief in God strong. Concentrate on, increase and focus on your relationship with the Most High. He is and will always be there for you. If nothing else, on this you can depend. {Gratitude is the key to unlock all of life’s treasures.}
And finally, whatever is true, honorable and just, pure, and wholesome. You know, things you love which places your heart and mind at peace. Things that are admirable and of excellence and worthy of praise. My dearest, continuously think on these things.
You’re doing a wonderful job. Keep it up, Beautiful.
P.S. ~ You’re going to be a great Mom one day.
All Love.
Signed your older self. Just call her…. Grateful.
~Grateful Badass
**** Interested in joining the weekly heart-felt letter gang? Let me know if interested. Each week pick a new person. Someone you know or don’t know. Maybe someone you admire and has made a supreme impact on your life. Please share your thoughts!****
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