
Transparency, Not So Sexy?

Thanks to social media, there is easy access to what is easily portrayed as the life of others. When strolling someone’s page, all of a sudden, I’m nearly paralyzed with anxiety because I don’t have this thing or another that someone else has. That well- behaved husband or just a husband, kids on point with… Read More Transparency, Not So Sexy?


My City, My Muse

  New York City kicks my butt on the regular. However, I get up each day and try and try again. I don’t complain or whine. I just go to work. Some people love, hate or could care less for New York City. For me, its beauty, grunginess, its vitality and nonstop whirl keeps me… Read More My City, My Muse


Grateful + Badass

I am Grateful and I am a Badass. In my beautiful mind, it makes perfect sense to me. Maybe, nobody else and that’s cool, since this is my walk, my journey, my life. I learned long ago that I must live for me. Live for all that God has given me to make a difference.… Read More Grateful + Badass